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What Is An Omnichannel Customer Experience? Benefits, Examples & Tips

Over the last few years, there has been a lot of buzz around the term “omnichannel”. So much so that you will hear almost every business make big claims that they offer “omnichannel customer experience”. But as fancy as it might sound, what does omnichannel really mean? And how is it any different from multichannel?...
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Top 15 Best Shared Inbox Software & Tools for 2025

Did you know that an average support professional spends about 28% (11 hours/week) of their workweek reading and answering emails?  A shared inbox tool can check this by eliminating the need to forward emails back and forth, reducing email clutter, and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Over these 6+ years in customer service,...
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Choose the Best Customer Support Channels for Your Growing Business

Ask customers about their go-to customer service channels for contacting any business, and you are likely to get ten different answers- Ryan – “Hey! I love talking to service reps over the phone. Makes me feel like somebody is out there to help me.” Lisa– “As a working woman, live chat works perfectly for me....
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How a Collaborative Inbox Can Improve Your Customer Support Process

In the pre-email era, people had to write letters, wait for them to get delivered, and then wait again for days to get a response.  Soon came the Internet, and the rest is history!  Earlier, what took days or weeks, can now be achieved in a matter of seconds. Awesome! However, email-arguably one of the...
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10 Best Practices to Improve Shared Mail Inbox Management

When emails are coming in from multiple directions, managing shared inboxes can become quite a struggle. Factors such as email overload, lack of ownership, duplicate replies, and inefficient tracking can all add up to your email management woes.  So, is reaching ‘inbox zero’ leading to ‘productivity zero’?  By following the right shared inbox best practices,...
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8 Ways to Excel at Customer Service Team Collaboration

Many people think that customer service is an individual sprint. In reality, it’s a relay race.  While most agents can answer a customer question on their own, you need a collaborative effort if you want to identify and fix the problem once and for all.  When you encourage customer service teamwork and collaboration, you can...
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