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What Is Customer Service Management (CSM)? Importance & Examples (Guide)

Successful businesses know that acquiring new customers is only half the battle won. How quickly and efficiently you serve your existing customers can make all the difference.  Whether customers contact your business during the awareness phase or the post-sales stage, effective customer service management (CSM) can ensure they have a delightful experience.  By implementing the...
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Customer Success vs. Customer Experience: 5 Key Differences

Do you feel a sense of confusion around the terms customer success vs. customer experience? You are not alone.  Business terminologies can seem greek to most people. But understanding the smallest of differences between important terms can help you become a customer-centric brand.  The quality of both customer success and customer experience can help you...
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How to Use Customer Pain Points to Improve Business Processes

If you look closely, you will find that all great inventions were born out of pain points. The pain of commuting on land was solved by aviation technology; real-time communication was made a reality via the internet.  Similarly, for 21st-century entrepreneurs to create everlasting products and woo a wider audience, they need to address customer...
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How to Track Customer Requests: Tips & Best Practices

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes for a second. Imagine you share a request with your favorite brand. What are your expectations? You want your request to be a priority, right?  This is true for every customer – they want their requests to be taken seriously. And for business owners, the only way to delight...
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10 Best Practices for Effective Internal Communications

Twenty years ago, if a manager had said the words, “let’s work on internal communication,” there is a high chance the concept would have been met with a blank stare.  However, modern-day entrepreneurs and leaders are actively searching for internal communication best practices as it has become as important as external communication with customers.  But...
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10 Tips to Build a High-Performance Customer Success Team

When the product team has built the best product, and the sales team has surpassed its targets, it is the customer success team that ensures customers stay loyal and continue buying.  Remember how you got a call from a customer success agent who introduced you to the product, answered all your questions, and encouraged you...
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10 Surefire Ways to Improve Customer Experience With Help Desk

“Customer experience is the next competitive battleground.” – Jerry Gregoire, CIO at Dell  Whether it’s an up-and-coming business venture or a well-established enterprise, one thing that all of them are fighting tooth and nail for is delivering seamless customer experiences.  Businesses do everything in their power to engage customers and provide a satisfactory experience. However,...
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How to Build an Effective Complaint Management Strategy

Things break, employees lose their cool, and products never reach on time – leading to thousands of customer complaints.  When dealing with angry and complaining customers, agents have to walk on eggshells. A single mistake, and you can lose them forever. So what can you do to bring the smile back on your customers’ faces? ...
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10 Common Customer Service Problems and How to Resolve Them

Customer. Vendor. Seller. Buyer. All of them have been around since the concept of commerce started. Fast forward to 2020. Today, it is all about the ‘Age of the Customer’. Businesses have grown more concerned; some may say, even obsessed with how their customers are treated.  And rightfully so.  It only takes one bad experience...
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10 Best Complaint Management Software for 2024

The best complaint management software can help you turn customer complaints into compliments. While agents can prioritize and resolve issues, managers can monitor SLAs, response times, and customer satisfaction.  When someone complains about their experience with your business, do you take notice or sweep it under the carpet? While customer grievances are inevitable, how you...
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