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How to Build a Customer-Centric Culture for Your Business

You’ve most likely heard people repeat the ‘customer is king’ mantra in the past. Well, there’s an obvious reason for this.  Customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that don’t focus enough on customers. Customer needs determine how, when, and where a business operates. If your customers prefer online shopping, you need an online...
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Customer Portal: Benefits, Features & Why You Need One Today

Customer service experts have been trying to decode customer empowerment for a good number of years. In their quest, they have realized that just putting a human agent in the middle-ground to solve customer issues is not good enough.  The obvious question is –  What leads to customer empowerment in its true essence?  To put...
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Proactive VS Reactive Customer Service: Which One Should You Choose?

Traditionally, the customer service industry revolved around the idea of waiting for a customer to encounter a problem and then offering the required solution. It’s the same as closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.  Now, here is the modern approach to customer service called proactive customer service that says- why wait for...
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How to Implement Customer Service Policies for Your Growing Business

In a parallel universe, customers might be 100% satisfied with every brand they buy from. However, the reality is that modern customers are encountering horrifying service experiences in this part of the Universe. For example, who could forget the dreadful incident of the United Express Flight 3411 in 2017? Here is a quick recap: Right...
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How to Improve Customer Experience in Call Centers

From the first telephone call made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 to the billions of phone calls that connect people every day, we’ve come a long way. However, not all phone conversations are a pleasant exchange of thoughts. Remember when you tried dialing a customer care number only to experience a painful never-ending hold...
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Simplify Your Customer Service Experience & Delight Customers With Help Desk

From the initial buying interactions to after-sales, the customer service process is getting increasingly complicated. Rather than attracting customers to their business, entrepreneurs are pushing them away with overwhelming engagement and outdated service policies.  Are you trying too hard to please your customers?  The truth is that when you make your customer service process too...
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30 Customer Service Tips for Delightful Customer Experiences

From a Fortune 500 company to a day-old startup, almost every business is searching for the best customer service tips. But what can be the possible reason?  It needs no mention that buyers love excellent customer service.  Think about it, haven’t you returned to a company that treated you well and gave importance to your...
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10 Ways to Improve Customer Experience on E-commerce Website

As modern customers demand more options, competitive pricing, and ease of shopping, the retail landscape is changing fast.  But, despite the rise in online shopping, brands are in a crisis.  E-commerce entrepreneurs have to deal with rising customer churn, cart abandonment rates, and diminishing traffic and repeat purchase rates.  As a solution, you can look...
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Top Ways to Improve Customer Service in Healthcare

Patients today make healthcare decisions based on customer service, accessibility, and cost. In fact, they need self-service access to healthcare-related content and demand a friction-less appointment scheduling process.  Amidst rising patient expectations, Improving customer service in healthcare is a sure-shot way to touch the hearts of your patients. Healthcare organizations need to raise their performance...
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8 Ways to Excel at Customer Service Team Collaboration

Many people think that customer service is an individual sprint. In reality, it’s a relay race.  While most agents can answer a customer question on their own, you need a collaborative effort if you want to identify and fix the problem once and for all.  When you encourage customer service teamwork and collaboration, you can...
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