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Reduce Your Help Desk Calls in 10 Easy Ways

We all are familiar with that comforting voice greeting us and telling us- “I’m here to help you. I will surely find a way to resolve your issue.”  Customers simply love phone support. A good reason why the phone remains the most preferred channel for customers is that it shows great potential for empathy. After...
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What Is The Difference Between Help Desk And Desktop Support?

Technical jargon has always been a nightmare even for technical experts, let alone entrepreneurs.  In order to prepare a robust support strategy, you need to clearly define the roles and functions of your teams as well as processes. However, a real problem begins when your business starts using two different terms such as help desk...
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How to Reduce Support Ticket Volume in 15 Sure-Fire Ways

Customer service teams share one common goal- to delight every single customer that needs assistance.  But can you really inch closer to this goal when your ticket backlog runs in hundreds or thousands?  It has become common for businesses to complain about a sluggish support process, overworked agents, skyrocketing response times, complaining customers, and a...
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Help Desk Glossary: 60+ Terms to Better Understand Your Help Desk

Anyone new to the customer service landscape knows that getting a firm grip on hundreds of terms and abbreviations can be quite challenging.  Do help desk terms seem like an alien language?  To save you from the trouble of going to Google for every new term and help you better run your help desk software,...
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50 Help Desk Statistics and Why You Should Watch Them

If you think the answer to meeting the ever-growing customer expectations is limited to a low price or a fantastic product, think again. Customer service has become a key player when it comes to offering a wholesome experience to customers. Within the last decade, how businesses assist their customers has undergone a complete revolution.  From...
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What is Help Desk Workflow? Examples, Templates & Steps to Improve

Your help desk software is the heart of your customer service operations.  It is the platform for engaging with end-users and is the face of your customer service team. But despite all this, why is it that you are not able to operate at peak efficiency?  A broken help desk workflow can be the reason.  ...
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How to Implement a Perfect IT Ticketing System

For smooth internal operations and a well-functioning business, managing IT incidents and requests is paramount.  An IT help desk ticketing system can help your business track IT-related support issues, prevent incidents from repeating, improve team collaboration, and deliver delightful support- all from a single tool.  But how do you implement an IT ticketing system for...
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10 Smart Strategies for Handling the Help Desk

In today’s competitive business landscape there is no place for mediocre customer service. To be the best business, you simply need to offer the best service.  54% of all consumers globally say they have higher customer service expectations than they did just one year ago. Therefore, to match this unprecedented surge in customer expectations, many...
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When to Switch from Email to a Help Desk Software

Our daily work routine revolves around emails, in fact, hundreds of them. But have you ever thought – why do some people call it ‘The Snail Email’?  Let’s be honest, email is slow, lacks advanced features, and was never designed for team collaboration. It’s not surprising that entrepreneurs across the globe are complaining about inbox...
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