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How to Set Up a Help Desk in 5 Steps With Checklist

Investing in help desk software is one of the best decisions you can make for your customer service team. The tool allows you to encourage team collaboration, automate repetitive tasks, resolve issues faster, and deliver memorable service experiences.  But what about the next step? How to set up a help desk system for optimum productivity? ...
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Your Guide to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Are you struggling to improve your IT operations? Are customers unhappy with the quality of your IT services?  Well, in that case, ITIL can prove to be a business saver. Historically, IT has always been undervalued. The IT department is simply considered responsible for managing information technology systems without having any impact on a company’s...
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What Is an Enterprise Service Management System?

While looking for ways to improve your IT and non-IT business services, you must have stumbled upon short yet heavy terms such as ESM or ITSM.  You must have thought to yourself, “What exactly is Enterprise Service Management (ESM)? And, can it really help my business in the long run?” It’s alright if you still...
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What Is IT Service Desk? Types, Benefits & Best Practices

Technology is no more limited to Sci-Fi movies. Just look around yourself, and you will find you are surrounded more by technology- your computer, smartphone, internet, etc., than actual human beings.  One great gift of technology has been Information technology- or IT as we normally call it. The fabric of modern businesses is connected by...
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SaaS Churn Rate: How to Prevent Churn for Your SaaS Company

Do you know what corporate mega-giants like Microsoft, Adobe, and Google have in common?  Besides, being worth billions of dollars, they all operate on the same ‘software as a service’ (SaaS) model.  However, surprisingly enough, not every SaaS company has been able to hit the jackpot.  The reason? Customer churn beyond control.  SaaS businesses out...
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Types of Help Desk Software & Which One Should You Choose?

Do you know what is common between a primitive tribal man living in the jungles of Africa and a modern entrepreneur sitting in his New York office?  They both need the right tools to survive.  From wooden spears to sophisticated business software, tools have rapidly evolved to reduce human efforts and improve efficiency.  One such...
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Cognitive VS Emotional Empathy: How to Build a Business Culture Around Both

The contemporary business world is flooded with the dog-eat-dog corporate mentality. Entrepreneurs are always advised that to taste success, they need to be ruthless, competitive, and above all, pragmatic. Amidst all this unsentimental chaos, empathy often takes the back seat. Will the real CEO (Chief Empathy Officer) please stand up? The average entrepreneur will tell...
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Why Help Desk Software Is Important For Businesses?

A help desk software is important for businesses serving customers. When businesses offer a delightful customer experience, sales increase. Customers become brand loyals and refrain from brand switching. 74 percent of people are likely to switch brands, in case they find the purchasing process difficult. A help desk ticketing system automates the workflow of issue...
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How to Choose the Best Help Desk Software in Simple Steps

There comes a time when managing your customer issues is no longer possible using spreadsheets or post-it notes. Help desk software seems like the only solution that can automate your support process and keep customers happy.  Now, when you raise the question- how to choose help desk software, there are literally thousands of things that...
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What Is Help Desk Software? [Benefits, Types & Examples]

As customers increasingly expect swift, effective, and personalized assistance, companies are turning to help desk software as an essential tool to meet these demands.  But what is help desk software?  At its core, help desk software is the nerve center for managing customer inquiries and support requests. It is a must-have tool for everyone, from...
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