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Top 15 Best Shared Inbox Software & Tools for 2025

Did you know that an average support professional spends about 28% (11 hours/week) of their workweek reading and answering emails?  A shared inbox tool can check this by eliminating the need to forward emails back and forth, reducing email clutter, and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Over these 6+ years in customer service,...
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Distribution List vs Shared Mailbox vs Shared Inbox: What’s the Difference?

347.3 billion emails are sent and received globally on a daily basis! With so many messages flying back and forth, how can you ensure that your team stays on top of their email game? One way is to use an email solution that simplifies your email workflows and boosts productivity. The three top contenders for...
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What is Google Collaborative Inbox? Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

Let’s be honest, email was not designed for teamwork. Even after decades of innovation, it still does not meet the needs of most business teams.  As a result, companies are forced to go for collaboration tools such as Google Collaborative Inbox to manage their group email accounts – sales@, support@, content@, etc.  But is Google...
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How a Collaborative Inbox Can Improve Your Customer Support Process

In the pre-email era, people had to write letters, wait for them to get delivered, and then wait again for days to get a response.  Soon came the Internet, and the rest is history!  Earlier, what took days or weeks, can now be achieved in a matter of seconds. Awesome! However, email-arguably one of the...
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10 Best Practices to Improve Shared Mail Inbox Management

When emails are coming in from multiple directions, managing shared inboxes can become quite a struggle. Factors such as email overload, lack of ownership, duplicate replies, and inefficient tracking can all add up to your email management woes.  So, is reaching ‘inbox zero’ leading to ‘productivity zero’?  By following the right shared inbox best practices,...
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7 Reasons Why Your Business Should Start Using a Shared Inbox

How many times have you lost your temper when contacting a customer support agent? Lost count, haven’t you? Well, according to recent studies, 75% of customers agree that it takes ages to connect with a live agent. The study also reported that a majority of Americans didn’t go through with an online purchase due to...
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