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What Is Customer Support? [Tips, Strategies & Tools For Success]

Suppose you’re neck-deep in using a new product, and suddenly, there’s a roadblock – a confusing error message, a missing feature, or something that doesn’t work quite how you expected. 

That’s where customer support swoops in.

But what exactly is customer support, and why is it such a crucial part of any business? 

For years, I’ve been leading a team of customer service executives – the friendly people on the other side of the screen, the charming voice (or email persona), working tirelessly to ensure you don’t face any hurdles.

In this blog, we will use my experience to explore different aspects of customer support, including how it can make or break a customer’s relationship with a brand. 

In case you are getting started, here’s a quick video on help desk management – one of the most crucial aspects of customer support – 

What Is Customer Support?

Customer support refers to services provided by companies to assist customers in resolving issues, answering questions, and ensuring satisfaction with products or services. It encompasses various channels like phone, email, chat, and social media. 

Effective customer support is crucial for customer retention; 96% of consumers say customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand (Microsoft). 

Additionally, 90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether to do business with a company (American Express). 

So, fast response times and knowledgeable staff are what actually define customer support and significantly impact a company’s reputation and customer loyalty.

What Is Customer Service Software? 

Customer service software is a tool that helps businesses manage and improve interactions with customers by organizing and streamlining communication. It allows support teams to handle inquiries efficiently, ensuring timely resolution of issues. 

This software aims to enhance the overall customer experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty. 

By providing a centralized platform for managing customer interactions, businesses can better track and respond to customer needs, improving their service quality and building stronger customer relationships

Read More: 10 Best Customer Service Automation Software for 2024 

What Are the Major Responsibilities in Customer Support?

Customer support is a critical function in any organization that interacts with customers. The major responsibilities in customer support typically include:

  1. Responding to Customer Inquiries:
    • Addressing customer questions and concerns through various channels, such as phone, email, live chat, and social media.
    • Providing accurate and timely information to resolve customer issues.
  1. Problem Resolution:
    • Troubleshooting customer problems and providing solutions.
    • Escalating complex issues to higher-level support or specialized departments when necessary.
    • Following up with customers to ensure their issues are resolved.
  2. Product and Service Knowledge:
    • Maintaining a thorough understanding of the company’s products and services to provide accurate information.
    • Staying updated with new features, updates, and changes in products or services.
  3. Customer Relationship Management:
    • Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers.
    • Ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a positive support experience.
  4. Documentation and Reporting:
    • Recording details of customer interactions, issues, and resolutions in a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
    • Generating reports to identify common issues, track performance metrics, and suggest improvements.
  5. Feedback Collection:
    • Gathering feedback from customers about their experiences and suggestions for improvement.
    • Communicating customer feedback to relevant departments to improve products, services, and processes.

  1. Training and Development:
    • Participating in training programs to enhance customer support skills.
    • Sharing knowledge and best practices with team members.
  2. Technical Support:
    • Providing technical assistance to customers facing product-related issues.
    • Guiding customers through troubleshooting steps and technical procedures.
  3. Quality Assurance:
    • Ensuring that all customer interactions meet the company’s quality standards.
    • Regularly reviewing and assessing the performance of customer support processes.
  4. Proactive Support:
    • Identifying potential issues before they arise and reaching out to customers proactively.
    • Offering solutions and assistance to prevent future problems.
Read More: What is Proactive Customer Service and How to Implement it 
  1. Policy and Procedure Adherence:
    • Following company policies and procedures to handle customer issues consistently and fairly.
    • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  2. Upselling and Cross-selling:
    • Identifying opportunities to recommend additional products or services that may benefit the customer.
    • Providing information about promotions and special offers.

By effectively managing these responsibilities, customer support teams can enhance customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Also Read: 10 Best Practices for Good Customer Service Delivery (With Examples) 

What Are the Major Customer Service Channels?

Major customer service channels include:

  1. Phone Support: This is a traditional method where customers call a helpline to get assistance.
  2. Email Support: Customers send their queries via email, and customer service representatives respond accordingly.
  3. Live Chat: Real-time text-based communication between customers and support agents on websites or apps.
  4. Social Media: Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram where customers can reach out for support or escalate issues.
  5. Self-Service Portals: Websites or apps where customers can find FAQs, knowledge bases, and community forums to resolve issues independently.
  6. In-Person Support: Physical locations where customers can go for face-to-face assistance.
  7. SMS/Text Messaging: Support is provided through text messages, often used for quick updates or confirmations.
  8. Chatbots and AI: Automated systems that respond instantly to common questions using artificial intelligence.
  9. Mobile Apps: Dedicated apps that offer customer support features and allow users to manage their accounts or get help on the go.
  10. Video Support: Real-time video calls or video tutorials to assist customers with more complex issues.

These channels cater to different customer preferences and needs, offering a comprehensive support system.

Watch: How to Deliver Omnichannel Customer Experience 

What Are the Major Customer Support Skills?

Customer support skills are essential for providing excellent service and ensuring customer satisfaction. 

Here are some key skills with examples:

1. Communication Skills

Clear, concise, and effective communication is crucial in customer support. It involves conveying information in a way that is easily understood by customers. This includes active listening, providing clear instructions, and ensuring that both verbal and written communication are free of jargon and ambiguity. 

Good communication helps in building rapport with customers and ensures that their concerns are addressed promptly and accurately.


  • Verbal Communication: Speaking clearly and politely to customers, ensuring they understand the information provided.
  • Written Communication: Crafting well-structured and grammatically correct emails or chat messages.

2. Empathy

Understanding and sharing customers’ feelings makes them feel heard and valued. Empathy allows support agents to connect with customers emotionally, showing that they genuinely care about the customers’ issues. 

This skill helps in diffusing tense situations and builds trust, as customers are more likely to feel that their concerns are taken seriously and that the company cares about their satisfaction.


  • Active Listening: Paying close attention to customer concerns without interrupting.
  • Showing Understanding: Phrases like “I understand how frustrating this must be for you.”

3. Problem-Solving Skills

Identifying issues quickly and finding effective solutions. Problem-solving involves critical thinking and creativity to address customer concerns efficiently. This skill is essential for diagnosing issues, especially when the solution is not immediately apparent. 

Effective problem-solvers can navigate through complex issues, providing customers with a resolution that is both satisfactory and timely.


  • Analytical Thinking: Breaking down complex problems into manageable parts to find a resolution.
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box to provide unique solutions for unusual problems.

4. Patience

Remaining calm and composed, especially when dealing with difficult or upset customers. Patience is crucial in customer support, as it allows agents to handle situations where customers might be frustrated or confused. 

Demonstrating patience can help in de-escalating potential conflicts and ensures that customers feel they are being given adequate time and attention to resolve their issues.


  • Handling Complaints: Taking the time to listen to a customer’s complaint without rushing them.
  • Explaining Steps: Going over processes or solutions multiple times, if necessary, without showing frustration.

5. Product Knowledge

Having a deep understanding of the product or service being supported. Comprehensive product knowledge enables support agents to answer questions accurately and provide effective solutions. 

It also helps in preemptively identifying potential issues and advising customers on best practices, which can enhance the overall customer experience.


  • Technical Expertise: Knowing how to troubleshoot common issues and guide customers through solutions.
  • Updates Awareness: Staying informed about new features, updates, or changes to the product.

6. Adaptability

Being flexible and able to handle various situations or changes in processes. Adaptability is important in a dynamic customer support environment where issues can vary widely, and new challenges can arise unexpectedly. 

An adaptable support agent can quickly adjust to changes, whether it involves learning new technologies or handling different types of customer inquiries.


  • Handling Multiple Tasks: Juggling different customer inquiries and issues simultaneously.
  • Learning New Tools: Quickly getting up to speed with new customer support software or systems.

7. Positive Attitude

Maintaining a friendly and optimistic demeanor, even in challenging situations. A positive attitude can significantly influence customer interactions, making customers feel more at ease and valued. 

It helps in creating a positive perception of the company and can lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.


  • Encouraging Language: Using positive language to reassure customers, like “I’m happy to help with that.”
  • Gratitude: Thanking customers for their patience or understanding.

8. Time Management

Effectively managing time to handle customer inquiries efficiently. Time management skills are essential to balance the demands of multiple customers and ensure timely resolutions. 

Efficient time management can lead to quicker response times, reduced wait times for customers, and the ability to handle a higher volume of inquiries effectively.


  • Prioritizing Tasks: Determining which issues need immediate attention and which can be resolved later.
  • Efficient Workflow: Using tools and strategies to manage customer interactions without unnecessary delays.
Read More: How to Reduce Customer Service Response Time

9. Conflict Resolution

Handling conflicts or complaints in a way that resolves the issue and leaves the customer satisfied. Conflict resolution involves negotiating, mediating, and finding a compromise that satisfies both the customer and the company.

This skill helps in turning potentially negative experiences into positive ones, maintaining the company’s reputation, and fostering customer loyalty.


  • Mediation: Finding a middle ground that satisfies both the company and the customer.
  • Apologizing: Offering sincere apologies when the company is at fault and providing a path to resolution.

10. Technical Skills

Proficiency in using customer support tools and understanding technical aspects related to the product or service. Technical skills enable support agents to efficiently navigate customer relationship management (CRM) software, diagnose technical issues, and guide customers through complex processes. 

This proficiency ensures that customers receive accurate and timely assistance.


  • CRM Software: Using customer relationship management (CRM) software to track and manage customer interactions.
  • Troubleshooting: Diagnosing technical issues and guiding customers through solutions.

These skills collectively contribute to and define the real meaning of customer support in order to ensure customer satisfaction.

Read More: 17 Best Customer Service Skills for 2024 

What Are the Benefits of Customer Support?

Customer support offers numerous benefits to both businesses and their customers. 

Here are some key advantages:

For Businesses

  1. Customer Retention: Good support helps retain customers by addressing their concerns and ensuring satisfaction.
  2. Brand Reputation: Positive support experiences enhance the company’s reputation and foster trust.
  3. Increased Sales: Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the business to others.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Superior customer support can differentiate a business from its competitors.
  5. Feedback and Improvement: Customer interactions provide valuable feedback, helping businesses improve products and services.
  6. Cost Savings: Resolving issues quickly can prevent escalation, saving costs associated with returns, refunds, or legal issues.
  7. Employee Satisfaction: Efficient support systems can reduce the workload on employees, leading to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover.

For Customers

  1. Problem Resolution: Effective support ensures customers’ issues are resolved promptly, improving their experience.
  2. Trust and Loyalty: Reliable support builds trust and fosters loyalty towards the brand.
  3. Knowledge and Information: Support teams provide valuable information, helping customers make informed decisions.
  4. Convenience: Access to various support channels (phone, email, chat) offers convenience and flexibility.
  5. Enhanced Experience: Good support enhances the overall customer experience, making interactions with the brand more enjoyable.
  6. Personalization: Tailored support can address individual needs, making customers feel valued and understood.

So, excellent customer support is a vital component of a successful business strategy, benefiting both the company and its customers in multiple ways.

Major Customer Support Software

1. Ticketing Software

Ticketing software helps manage and streamline customer support requests. It organizes customer queries into tickets, which can then be tracked, prioritized, and resolved efficiently.


  • Centralized Management: All customer queries are consolidated in one place, making it easier to manage and track issues.
  • Prioritization: Tickets can be categorized and prioritized based on urgency and customer support importance, ensuring critical issues are addressed promptly.
  • Automation: Routine tasks like ticket assignment and status updates can be automated, saving time and reducing human error.

Use Cases:

  • Technical Support: Companies offering tech products or services use ticketing systems to manage support requests.
  • Customer Service Departments: Businesses of all sizes use ticketing software to systematically handle customer inquiries and complaints.

2. Surveys

Survey software is used to gather feedback from customers. It helps businesses understand customer satisfaction, gather opinions, and make data-driven decisions.


  • Customer Insights: Surveys provide direct insights from customers about their experiences and expectations.
  • Customization: Surveys can be tailored to target specific customer segments or to gather specific types of feedback.
  • Data Analysis: Advanced analytics tools help interpret survey data, identifying trends and areas for improvement.

Use Cases:

  • Product Development: Companies use surveys to gather feedback on new products or features.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Businesses regularly survey customers to gauge satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

3. Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a self-service library where customers can find answers to common questions and issues. It typically includes articles, FAQs, how-to guides, and troubleshooting steps.


  • 24/7 Availability: Customers can access information anytime, reducing the need for live support.
  • Reduced Support Load: The knowledge base reduces the volume of support tickets by providing answers to common issues.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Customers can quickly find solutions on their own, enhancing satisfaction.

Use Cases:

  • Technical Products: Companies with complex products use knowledge bases to provide detailed support and troubleshooting information.
  • E-commerce: Online stores use knowledge bases to answer questions about products, orders, and returns.

4. Shared Inbox

A shared inbox allows multiple team members to access and respond to customer emails from a single email address. It ensures that all incoming emails are visible and can be managed collaboratively.


  • Team Collaboration: Multiple agents can work together to respond to customer emails, ensuring quick and consistent responses.
  • Transparency: All team members have visibility into customer communications, reducing the risk of duplicate responses or missed emails.
  • Efficient Workflow: Shared inboxes often come with features like tagging, assigning emails, and tracking response times.

Use Cases:

  • Customer Support Teams: Shared inboxes are ideal for support teams that handle high volumes of customer emails.
  • Sales Teams: Sales teams use shared inboxes to manage inquiries and leads collaboratively.

5. Live Chat Software

Live chat software allows businesses to interact with customers in real time through a chat interface on their website or app. It provides immediate assistance and answers to customer queries.


  • Instant Support: Customers receive immediate responses, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.
  • Increased Conversions: Real-time assistance can help answer pre-purchase questions, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Multitasking: Agents can handle multiple chat sessions simultaneously, improving efficiency.

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce: Online retailers use live chat to assist customers with product inquiries and checkout processes.
  • Tech Support: Companies offering software or tech products use live chat to provide quick troubleshooting and support.
Also Read: 35+ Best SaaS Tools Your Business Should Know About 

Examples of Good Customer Service

Some examples of excellent customer support by some reputed brands are as follows:


Zappos is renowned for its exceptional customer service, which is central to its brand identity. One key aspect of their service is the availability of 24/7 customer support through phone, email, and live chat, ensuring that customers can get help whenever they need it. 

They also offer a generous 365-day return policy, providing customers with ample time to return products if they are not satisfied. Zappos empowers its customer service representatives to make decisions that delight customers, such as offering refunds, replacements, or discounts without needing managerial approval. This empowerment allows for quick and effective problem resolution. 


Amazon’s customer service is a benchmark in the industry, characterized by efficient problem resolution and a comprehensive help center. Their streamlined return process allows customers to return products and receive refunds quickly and easily. 

The extensive help center on Amazon’s website features FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and video tutorials that assist customers in resolving common issues independently. Amazon offers multiple contact channels, including phone, email, and live chat, catering to different customer preferences. 

Their customer-centric policies, such as the A-to-Z Guarantee for purchases, ensure that customers feel secure when shopping on their platform, especially when dealing with third-party sellers. 

Enhance Customer Satisfaction With Effective Support Services

Effective customer support is essential for building trust and loyalty in today’s competitive market. Businesses can ensure a positive customer experience by understanding customer needs, employing skilled representatives, and utilizing advanced tools. 

For better assistance, you can use tools like ProProfs Help Desk, which stands out with its omnichannel support, automation capabilities, and robust reporting tools. It is an excellent choice for enhancing customer support services. 

Besides, features like ticket prioritization, collaboration, and seamless integrations empower teams to resolve issues efficiently, ensuring customer satisfaction and business success.

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About the author

ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.